Poets & Writers Magazine
Publisher Contact Information

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For problems with you subscription we provide the customer service information for the publisher's website, phone number and email address when available. You should first contact the company it was ordered from. There is a list of some of the more popular site's customer service numbers at the bottom of the page. If you're not sure who it's coming from, you will need to contact the publisher. Let us know if we need to correct or update any of the information. Thanks

Top Magazine Companies Customer Service Numbers

Magazines.com: 800-624-2946

Magazine-Agent: 888-590-0030

MagazineDiscountCenter: 866-400-6247

ValueMags: 800-303-0344

MagazineLine: 800-959-1676

MagazinesUSA: 888-244-1228

RitePriceMagazines: 718-513-6681

Publishers Clearing House: 800-459-4724

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