Mississippi CHIP Frequently Asked Questions

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people who are age 65 or older, disabled persons, or those with end-stage kidney disease. Medicare eligibility is not based on income, and basic coverage is the same in each state.

What documents will I need when I apply for Medicaid?

When you apply for Medicaid, you must fill out an application form. You will also need to have various documents:

What Is A medical home?

Your medical home is the provider you go to all the time.

Why would i want a medical home?

"How is a ""medical emergency"" defined?"

A "medical emergency" is when you reasonably believe that your health is in serious danger – when every second counts. A medical emergency includes severe pain, a bad injury, a serious illness, or a medical condition that is quickly getting much worse.

What should I do if I have a medical emergency?

If you have a medical emergency:

What is urgent care?

Urgent care is not emergency care. It is care that you need sooner than a normal appointment (within 24 hours). You might need this for things like sprains, mild-to-moderate bleeding, bruises, minor burns, drug reactions or an illness lasting longer than a day. Seek urgent care from a provider in the network. If you require urgently needed care when you are in an area outside of your network, then you may get this care from any provider.

"What if I use non-plan providers to receive services that are ""covered""?"

If you get care from a non-network provider that is not an emergency or that is not urgent without prior authorization, you must pay the entire cost yourself.

How long does enrollment in Mississippi CHIP last?

Your child's enrollment in the Mississippi CHIP program is for 12 months or until your child loses eligibility, whichever comes first. The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) will tell UnitedHealthcare the date your child is enrolled. Your child’s eligibility will continue until DOM tells UnitedHealthcare the date your child will be disenrolled.

What if our situation changes?

Important — You must contact DOM if any of these things happen: