Kalka to Shimla Trains

Cheapest Kalka to Shimla Train

Book Kalka to Shimla trains – Approximately 6 trains run today between Kalka and Shimla, covering a distance of about 96 km by train. Trains from Kalka to Shimla are listed above along with their train schedule, timetable, and ticket fares. To get accurate, up-to-date information about Kalka to Shimla train reservation, Kalka to Shimla train ticket price, and Kalka Shimla railway time table, you can visit the ixigo app or website. If you're unsure about which train to book, ixigo simplifies your decision-making process and helps you with the Kalka to Shimla train time table with the options like cheapest, fastest, first and last train from Kalka to Shimla.

With ixigo, you can check Kalka to Shimla train seat availability in real-time. ixigo also offers features like tracking & sharing Kalka to Shimla train live running status, platform number, and viewing seat maps. For anything related to Kalka to Shimla train booking, you can rely on ixigo's assistance. Also, plan your return journey by booking Shimla to Kalka train tickets online. You can also book Kalka to Shimla train tickets on ConfirmTkt, powered by ixigo.

Kalka to Shimla Fastest Train:

52455 HIMALYAN QUEEN is the fastest train from Kalka to Shimla. To reach Shimla, this train takes 4hr 50min hours. The train departs at 11:55:00 from Kalka KLK and arrives in Shimla SML at 16:45:00. Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun is when the 52455 HIMALYAN QUEEN operates.

Cheapest Train from Kalka to Shimla:

The cheapest train you can take from Kalka to Shimla is 52453 KLK SML EXP. The train takes 5hr 30min hours to travel between Kalka and Shimla. The train departs at 06:20:00 from Kalka KLK and arrives at 11:50:00 in Shimla SML, operating on Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun.

Kalka to Shimla Last Train:

The last train you can take from Kalka to reach Shimla is 52455 HIMALYAN QUEEN. It takes 4hr 50min hours to travel between Kalka and Shimla. Departing at 11:55:00 from Kalka KLK, it arrives at 16:45:00 in Shimla SML. The last train operates on Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun.

First Train from Kalka to Shimla:

52457 KLK SML EXP is the train to run from Kalka to Shimla. It reaches Shimla in about 5hr 10min hours. From Kalka KLK, it starts at 03:45:00 and arrives at 08:55:00 in Shimla SML. Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun are the days on which KLK SML EXP operates.

Kalka to Shimla Train PNR status enquiry:

It’s very simple to check PNR status of your train between Kalka and Shimla. ixigo app has an amazing feature “PNR status enquiry”, by which you can get the updated information.

Kalka to Shimla Trains Seat Availability

Check Kalka to Shimla train seat availability on ixigo. Enter the train name or number and hit the search button. You will find the seat availability for different classes along with the fares for the next 120 days. You can also check the availability for various quotas.

Kalka to Shimla Trains Running Status

Check Kalka to Shimla train running status on ixigo. Enter the train number or name into the search box and hit the search button. You will find the complete train timetable, stoppage information and delay at each station (if any) during the journey. You can also check the platform number and coach position of the train through the feature.