5B. If Needed, Appeal Your Hospital’s Decision

If your hospital financial assistance application is denied, it doesn’t always mean there is no hope. Try these options to see if you can get debt forgiveness.

Figure out why your application was denied

Look for a letter or call from the hospital explaining why your application was denied. The message should give a clear reason. If there is no reason, call the hospital to ask for a more detailed explanation and what you can do to have them reconsider.

Submit additional documents

Sometimes, hospitals will send letters saying that your application was denied because they don’t have all the documents they require. This isn’t a real denial, but it can look like one. Read the letter carefully and make sure to send them any remaining documents they request. That may be all you need to do get approved for debt relief.

Send a hardship appeal

There are many reasons why a hospital might deny your financial assistance application. They might miscalculate your income. You might make more than the policy allows. Or they may not give assistance to people with insurance or those who live far from the hospital. Whatever the reason, you can still ask the hospital to reconsider the decision. Draft a letter explaining your financial circumstances and why you can’t afford to pay the bill.

You can use our sample financial assistance hardship letter below as a template. Copy and paste our template letter and fill in your details. Then send the letter to the hospital’s billing or financial assistance office, along with documents that prove your financial situation. We recommend including your most recent taxes, paystubs, and bank statements.

Sample Appeal Letter



To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing in response to my financial assistance application denial.

If you truly understood the financial hardship I am in and the severe stress this bill has caused me, I believe you would reconsider offering me the help I need. Carrying this bill on top of all my other financial responsibilities has made it challenging for me to afford basic needs like food, clothing, and housing.


Here is a general accounting of my household, income, and expenses:

Total people in household: _______

My source of income is _____________.

In total, I make $_______________ every month.

Other people in my household bring in a total of $______________ from __________.

My hospital bill is _____% of my annual income.

My monthly bills include:
___________ Rent/Mortgage
___________ Utilities
___________ Insurance (health, car, etc)
___________ Loans (car, student debt, credit cards, etc)
___________ Other (_______________________)

I hope you will reconsider eliminating all or part of my bill.

Thank you for your consideration,

Dollar For is here to help you appeal a decision or fight it if you think the denial might be illegal or incorrect based on what they have written in their policy. Use our contact form to ask for help.

You don’t have to do this alone!

Dollar For can check if you are eligible, send you tips on applying, or even submit an application to the hospital for you.

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